Living in Magick
Stories of everyday Magick, Paganism and Witchcraft
The Anthology Living in Magick- Stories of everyday Magick, Paganism and Witchcraft has been published!
Over 20 contributors, for over 100 stories, poems, prayers, reflections, art and photography are contained in these pages that celebrate our everyday magick.
The are the stories about everyday lives as witches and pagans and practitioners of magick. Stories and essays about the things that make us who and what we are. Stories of turning a mundane life into a magickal one. Stories on how our practice, beliefs, and rituals empower us and keep us strong.
There are stories of every day rituals, experiences with magick, personal stories of connecting with spirits, ancestors and deities. Topics include magical mornings, nature, neurodivergency, lovemaking, prayers, devotion, kitchen witchery, birth and death, the seasons, festivals, retreats.
You can purchase a copy here, or here on Amazon.