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The Work...never ends

Now that #31DaysMorrigan has finished, and I’ve had a bit of time to decompress, I wanted to share some thoughts and a bit of…extra homework!

If you made it through, congrats! If you are still making your way through- don’t fret. The 31 days was only a recommendation. Take your time, you can do it. It is the intention that matters, so as long as you get it done at some point, all is well.

I tried to stay consistent as possible, but honestly, it was hard at times. Particularly the weekends- I was traveling 3 out of 4 weekends, and it’s hard to sit down and meditate and journal my thoughts. Some things went deeper than others, some things called me harder than others. Things I might have felt at the time I made the prompt list that I was going to enjoy ended up being tedious or very simple, whereas some things I was unsure of hit hard and I ended up going down a rabbit hole.

It was a good 31 Days for me though- I felt guided, supported and I felt as though my efforts to strengthen my relationship with The Morrigan, and as well as my own spiritual beliefs and practices. Some prompts gave me satisfactory answers, and some lead to more questions, which led to more delving and exploring.

In the end, what I got from the experience may have been different from you. And that’s the point. This was meant as a way of exploring The Morrigan, her aspects, the lore, your relationship and fostering making time to sit with her.

But what now? Well, we did those 31 days, but an important step to take is to sit down and think about it now so you come away with something richer and deeper. It might even help you decide what direction to take your relationship with her, as well as your spiritual and magickal practices.

  • What prompt resonated most with you?

  • Which prompt did not resonate with you at all?

  • Was there a consistent message or connection throughout the answers to your prompts? What was it?

  • Are you feeling called to go deeper with an aspect of Her?

  • Where do you find lacking in your knowledge, information and/or even connection? What can you focus your attention on to further your knowledge, information and/or connection?

  • What are you walking away with?

Sit through some of these questions (and whatever other questions have come up for you) over the next month or so, and journal them out. And make sure to stop, and thank the Morrigan for standing with you during everything. It’s not mandatory, but it’s a nice thing to do- I’ll leave a few offering of whiskey or other drinks as thanks.

And remember the work never ends. As we walk through life, there is always room for improvement, both in ourselves and in our relationships- with others and with deities. It is when we cease to grow, improve, learn and mature that we stop living.


Liminal Raven

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